

Revelation Concerning the Church of God, the Ministers and Political Leaders across the World. Isaiah 45:19. On 16 December 2014 in a revelation, I saw a group of demons tied their heads with red pieces of clothes beating pastors and church members and scattered them. After the beatings the demons now cover the faces of some of the pastors with pieces of black clothes, and during the beating some of the pastors started begging the evil forces to leave them alone and beat the church members.

The black pieces of clothes wrapped on the faces of the pastors explained by the Lord Jesus Christ to me. The enemy has covered the dreams and immediate vision grace of the prophets. So now the prophets would not be able to see enough in the realms of the spirit to inquire from God or to detect the sources of spiritual attacks, or what is going on around them, the church, nation and to do intensive deliverance for the people who are willing.

The pastors who asked the evil forces to leave them alone and beat the church members explained, the ministers of the gospel know the truth themselves, what to do for their continuous revival in Spirit yet they feel reluctant to do so; because materials gained had made them lost focus on God and rather beating around the bush. They are making their own businesses within the church members especially with the ignorant ones. The minister’s focus now is on money, fame, titles, material gain and position. They no longer care about the security and salvation of the sheep. Deut. 29:22-28.

On 25 March 2018, in a revelation I saw the Hand of God removing the ungodly presidents from position from one nation to another and planting His sent ones who are humble, obedient and God fearing. Dan. 2:21. .

On 19 January 2018, in revelation I saw dry bush burning seriously and after the bush all got burnt by the fire, I saw some few Arabs and a lot of whites died. The dried bush stands for worldly people, or folks without the Word of God, or ‘empty vessels.’

On the 20th June, 2019 in Revelation I saw God’s anger against the pastors, in this particular revelation the judgment of God was crucial. Jer. 23:15-16.25th September 2017, in revelation I saw a flood in Ghana and I heard it is a judgment from God and it will pass through a few countries in the world. 2 Kings 22:17.

On the 20th April 2020, The Lord revealed to me the churches that are operating without a spiritual License will be closed down.

On the 7th April 2020 God revealed to me saying in the year 2021 He is going to Discipline the political leaders especially Africa leaders.